Saturday, September 22, 2012 0 comments

The valid currency in Taiwan is Taiwanese dollar (NT;TWD). Before coming to Taiwan, it is better to have some amount of US dollars or Euros as Czech crowns are not exchangeable to NT dollars on the island. I have heard that you can pay by US dollars in case of emergency.

1=cca 38NT
10Czk= cca 15NT (

Living costs
If you're student, I think you might spent around 10 000NT and more monthly (including rent, food, transportation=gas for scooter, traveling).

On Campus Accommodation
They will automatically assign you to a bit expensive Ching-yeh dormitory for exchange students (2ppl per room). I stayed there during my first semester, but then I moved out and rent room on my own. The reason was my boyfriend. Guys' visit to the girls’ dorms and other way around are strictly prohibited. The dorm has nice lobby and rooms. It costs 13700NT for girls and around 9000NT for guys. If you want cheaper accommodation, you can ask for Sheng-li dorm. Sheng-li dorm has got kitchen.

Off campus accommodation
You can rent your own room starting from 3000 NT (best in East and North district around the university). You can search through these websites:
- (agency, agent can speak English, need to pay agency fee)

This is a great website, however you have to ask you're friend, coz it's whole in Chinese. Basically you contact the owners of houses directly in most cases, so an agent is not involved. 

There is an "university insurance" provided by NCKU. It’s around 2000NT for one semester. It is quite cheap and I have good experience with it. I had a small accident and they paid me back. However, you need to have a bank account in Taiwan, most students get one in Chungwa post bank- the office on campus.

ATMs for foreign cards:
You would not be able to withdraw from all the ATMs. With Czech or Slovak debit card is possible in 
China Trust bank ATMs available in every 7-Eleven and Far East Int. Bank ATM in Mega.

Study Chinese
All foreign students can get free Chinese classes for 2 semesters. You too! Use them for sure!! It will help you to grasp some of the basics of language and understand the local culture as well. It’s just 3 hours per week and has slow flow of learning! 
Language exchange is another great option. Ask your Taiwanese friends or post note on the board in Chinese language center that you search for language exchange. You can teach English (or possibly any other language you know) and he/she will teach you Chinese. You don’t need to pay anything and can learn Chinese relatively quickly. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012 0 comments

Report from exchange study program in Taiwan (Tainan) 2

This report offers sort of basic info about survival student life in Tainan. 

Transportation in Tainan 

o   Bike
Bike is the most common transport for students. Costs around 1500NT in the shop in Sheng-li campus. If you think it’s too much, you can wait till January when university provides free bikes. These bikes are, however, very poor and need to fixed. But, it’s also solution. J

o   Scooter
Scooter from shop costs round 12 – 15 000NT. However, you can buy 100 – 125cc from students and friend from 6000NT. Scooters are almost necessary if you want to move around or outside Tainan more comfortably. We were hesitating, but finally the scooter was very good choice. For traveling around the island you will need at least 125cc and more.

o   Train
Train is comfortable transportation if you travel outside of Tainan. To Kaohsiung in 45 min. by local train for around 80 – 100NT. Don’t forget to use your university’ student card.

o   Bus
Local bus – ticket costs: 18NT and bus routes are searchable:
However, to rely on bus is not the best option. The bus has longer periods in between routes and everything is in Chinese. 

Distant buses – behind the train station on the right there are 3 bus companies. Bus ticket can be purchased in the offices there, not in the bus.


Mostly hot and humid- at least for most of us, EuropeansSummer is apprx. from April to November. Though, you shouldn’t underestimate winter – it’s quite cold and next time I would bring a winter jacket with me as well (From December to February). 

Typhoons – local people will tell you a lot and panic, but our stronger storms sometimes are more dangerous. However, you shouldn’t underestimate it too.:)
Thursday, September 20, 2012 0 comments

Exchange study in Taiwan

Report from exchange study program in Taiwan (Tainan)

Some friends and students who plan to either travel or study in Taiwan are frequently asking me about my Taiwan study experience. Sometimes they ask me so many details and questions that I cannot manage to reply them all on time. Well, I'm happy for their interest, so that I decided to post the report about exchange study program in Taiwan and few more info. I came to Taiwan for exchange thanks to the agreement between NCKU (Taiwan university) and my home university (Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic).

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan

The area of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) is in front of Tainan train station (rear exit).

Direction: Go out of rear exit and keep going straight about 5 minutes. On the way you can see the school yard on your left. After few minutes you will reach the main entrance (Kuang FU Gate). Go through the gate and keep going straight for 3 minutes. On your right side will appear a College of Management. This is your department. On the 2nd floor you can find IMBA office (your student office). It’s very easy and there is nothing to be afraid. Kindness and smile will let some people to help you.

The whole university area has four campuses. Your college is in Kuang Fu campus. In IMBA office will give you a map of the campus. In Kuang Fu Campus there is an Office of International Affairs as well. 

Sport in the university area

Gym – awesome and cheap. You can buy a ticket for 10 times for 200NT (5, 125czk). Location of the gym: Sheng-li campus.

Swimming pool – I love it. The same ticket is used, as for the gym. Location: Sheng-li campus
Opening hours: from April till November: MO-FR: 7pm-9.30pm; SA-SU: 3pm – 7pm (it might change)

Jogging track – in Cheng Kung and Kuang Fu Campus. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 0 comments

Start loving new Adobe Illustrator CS6

I have done some work in Illustrator before, but this time I told myself I must learn at least more of basics. Especially when I'm graduated from marketing; there is big Sure I will work with some of graphic design software, so I chose the most interesting and user friendly one.

This is what I have recently done in Illustrator (even for this I followed manual XD) Well, pretty simple, since I'm beginner. I just want to tell you that you don't have to be PC lover or software expert to be able to work with some of the great software over there.. Learn step by step. The great way is to follow the episodes of CS6 tutorial.

The first episode is here:

To download a free trial of Illustrator CS6:

Sunday, September 9, 2012 0 comments

Chinese- English Language Exchange

One great way to practice what you have learned in Chinese language center or by yourself is though language exchange. It is low cost and great way to not only practice language but also get to know more locals, get help related to translation issues and at least good feeling that you have helped someone to improve language skills. 

In Tainan, if you want to find your language partner, it is great to just simply ask people whether they know about someone who wants to have language exchange with you or another thing can be to most a sticker  in NCKU's (university) Chinese language center's announcement board. It is really the way and you will be surprise how many people will email you. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012 0 comments

Chinese Language Teacher in Tainan

Some time ago I have been looking for teacher to teach and tutor me Chinese in Tainan. I was looking a while for someone who has experience and is sort of more professional. From my experience some of native Chinese people usually estimate that it’s kind of easy to teach someone Chinese, but it’s not. Either you have to be really good, both in Chinese and English and understand the difference how these language are “constructed” and different. Then, you can perhaps more understand which part of language might be a problem for English speaker. This is valid if you want to tutor someone.

I absolutely don’t want to say that non-professional Chinese speaker shouldn’t teach Chinese, no! For example people who do language exchange may greatly improve their especially speaking and listening skills. Me, personally have language exchange experience and I can just recommend it.
Let’s go back to the topic. After some while searching for really good teacher, I have found Ms Monica Lin. Great, this girl’s got basically the same name as me :D  She taught me and my boyfriend for about 2 months. She quickly adjusted to my level and used various techniques to help me to remember Chinese words and phrases. I liked to visit her and learning Chinese was fun! I had to stop because of the problems with my work, but I still continue with Chinese by myself.

So, if you’re still hesitating about teacher of Chinese in Tainan, you can contact me for further references.

This is her website/blog: (Monica Lin) On the right side, you can find her profile with an email address.

Good Luck with studying Chinese J

Thursday, September 6, 2012 0 comments

Free WIFI in Taiwan

In Taipei you can probably reach free wifi spot easily, but what about other cities, places in Taiwan?
Well, recently we discovered, you can have 90 minutes per day just in 7- Eleven.
How? Start up your laptop in 7-Eleven and go to website: Create new account adding your cell-phone number and password. Enjoy free internet :)

Monday, September 3, 2012 0 comments

Updated info about changing from Visa-Exempt entry to Resident visa - working status

Just today I have learned in Immigration office in Tainan that if you want to change your visa free entry (visa-exempt entry) to resident visa with working status, you don't have to leave the country (Taiwan), for example fly to Hong Kong. This is great regulation that save money, time and frustration.

If you want to do so, you just have to, at first, apply for visitor visa (National Immigration Agency- NIA) and then change it to Resident visa and apply for ARC in NIA or your local Immigration Office.

I live in Tainan and nearest National Immigration Agency is in Kaohsiung; local Immigration office is in Tainan. I'm not sure about the difference or the hierarchy of these offices. Just go to the local place you usually go regarding visa issues and ask them where exactly you should go.

In order to apply for visitor visa (for working purpose), you would need to have valid work permit (already issues by your employer, given to you).

The below posted website has the addresses of Immigration offices in various cities (Taiwan)

Sunday, September 2, 2012 0 comments

Chinese Learning Resources (Taiwan)

As I recently and again started to focus more on studying this language, I offer you some useful resources I have found or have been referred. All of them have got an option for traditional characters. I hope you will find them useful.

Good English- Chinese (Taiwan) dictionary- one of the best I have been referred, has got useful features.

Traditional Chinese stroke order (animation) - I always use this tool, coz it's simple and easy to use. 

Software – flashcards- It enables you to save, memorize and test Chinese words and sentences. You can run the software on various computer, just by downloading it and login to it. You would need internet as it cannot be run offline. 

Speak Mandarin in Thousand Words – this is the best source so far I have found. My Chinese teacher gave this website to me. This is amazing tool to improve your listening and speaking skills. Good luck
Saturday, September 1, 2012 0 comments

Cheapest flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong

Either you plan to go to Hong Kong for traveling or for visa run, the cheapest ticket you can find is usually offered by China airlines- CA (Kaohsiung <-> Hong Kong) or Cebu pacific (Taipei <-> Hong Kong).. Cebu Pacific is a low cost airline. It means in case you want to take more luggage than just cabin handbag/backpack, you would have to pay additional fee. They also don’t offer any meals or drinks for free on board.
With China airlines, you can take 1 cabin and one additional luggage with weight not more than 20kg. CA has many offices in Taiwan, for example in Tainan there is one very close to roundabout Dongmen – Shengli Rd. You can but a ticket in their office, but when purchasing online it is cheaper. You better go to office when you want to change your flight or have any problem or question. 

Airlines flying from/to Taiwan to/from Hong Kong (in order according to usual ticket price starting with the cheapest). 

Airlines' order may vary depending on season as well how much in advance you're buying the ticket. This scheme is valid for flight bought apprx. 3 weeks in advance:

China Airlines/Mandarin Airlines*: 

*CA operates Mandarin Airlines' flight including. 
