Sunday, May 27, 2012 0 comments
Taiwan working experience

I think I was lucky to work for this company.. colleagues are really nice and friendly
 people, just my boss is a bit hot-tempered guy. He was surprised I cannot speak 
Chinese when I first came to company and gave me an ultimatum to learn to speak 
and listen in 4 months. It shocked me, however.. it’s ok coz this was an one of the 
reasons I decided to come back to Taiwan.
I used to be an exchange student of VSB-Technical university of Ostrava and 
traveled to Taiwan thanks to cooperation program between this uni and Taiwanese 
NCKU. I spent in Taiwan one year, my major was international business. 
I liked Taiwan very much (I also found a boyfriend here) and since I was leaving, 
I wanted to return. I was lucky I must say.. Basically, without  speaking fluent 
Chinese it’s extremely difficult to find a job here other than teaching English. 
After months of struggling, AIESEC helped me to find a company with location 
and job description which suits me. While being in my home country, I had an 
interview with key people from company and.. they liked me. 
I started to work on 16th of Febr. as a sales and marketing trainee. My current 
job at work is preparation for trade fair TIOS (Taiwanese International Orchid Show) 
where we will present our company and meet potential clients.
What is “my job” here? I’m marketing and sales assistant. My duty is to respond 
to customers emails and communicate with them, meeting the clients showing them 
company’s greenhouse, attend exhibitions and shows and later perhaps some 
online-marketing as well.So, how I feel here? Comfortable, however if I can 
speak Chinese, it would be perfect..:) Searching for the right Chinese 
teacher is not that easy. Everyone here however “behaves” 
like the Chinese would be the world easiest language.

Taiwan Int. Orchid Show 2012

My stay in Taiwan is enjoyable so far! If you have any question or want to add some 
comments. The company, where I work is a breeder, hybridizer and orchids’ seller. 
They own several greenhouses with a thousand of really beautiful flowers of many 
colors. Owner Mr. Wu, my boss is a passionate breeder with 25 years’ experience.
Still, it’s a new company. 

Orchids Phalaenopsis

Taiwan is a tiny island on the East side from China. Taiwanese culture is mixture of 
aboriginal Polynesian tribes and mainland Chinese. They speak Mandarin Chinese, 
using traditional(more complicated) characters. English is spread among young people, 
but older generation speaks mostly Japanese and Taiwanese.
Japanese used to be a first foreign language, but English is more and more popular. 
Many, especially young people are fans of Japanese culture and Korean pop and drama 
culture. Taiwan is mostly known for its computer brands such as ASUS, Acer or HTC. 
Taiwanese people work hard and long hours. Even though gov’ policy restricts it, only 
few companies follow it – I’m lucky to work in one of those.   And how are Taiwanese 
people like? 
They are extremely polite, indirect, friendly, humble and.. honest, rarely they will offense 
you and if they do so, it is not intentionally.

My stay in Taiwan is enjoyable so far! If you have any question or want to add some 
comments, feel free to do so. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012 0 comments

Tips on traveling I haven’t found anywhere else..

Little Liou Qiou (Xiao Liu Qiu)

This is a good website with a boat schedule:

Can I take scooter to the island?
è Yes, you can and it’s much more convenient than rent it on the island. It costs 100NT/one way. You can buy ticket just before boarding. Scooter is very convenient and good way how to travel around island.

Can I camp on the island?
è Yes, there is one campground – very nice facility, 400NT/person. I think it’s not worth if you don’t mind to find your own random spot somewhere. Just go around the coast and you will find some, no worries. 

Where is the nicest spot for “playing on the beach?”
è Beach nearby Vase rock. Vase rock is close to the harbor.

Vase Rock, Xiao Liu Qiu
Where to eat?
è Ask local people and they will suggest you some inexpensive local restaurant. ( You can use words like:便宜的餐, 在這?-> Pián yi de cān ting, zài nail?-> Where is a cheap restaurant?) However, these local restaurants don’t have menu in English (for fried rice, which is usually one of cheapest and good meals, say: ->chǎofàn; for noodles:..->Miàn) Most other spots are more expensive than mainland Taiwan.

What to bring?
è If you are coming during other season than winter, bring sun-block cream.

East Coast

I want to visit hot springs somewhere on East Coast- Where should I go?
è On our way along East Coast we came across small hot-springs village “JinLun Hot Springs”. This place is not very well known by travelers, but if you’re looking for not-too-touristic place, with quiet loveable environment, than Jin Lun hot-springs are better choice. To reach this village, just follow road #9, few km after Taimali, you will come to JinLun.

Where should I stay?
Yitianwu Springs Hotel - nice place we staed in JinLun 
è  JinLun Hot Springs: Just go around the village a bit, towards the expensive Spa hotel, but don’t stop, go further and after the bus stop, turn rightà you will find loveable hotel with extremely helpful and kind people. This small family hotel, built in Japanese style is one really nice spot in the middle of nowhere.. It’s completely new, cheap, has pool outside and private hot-springs; provide coffee for free and cook dinner or breakfast for you. This was one of the best accommodations for value and price we found. We almost cried when we were leaving.. Definitely recommended to everyone!

Run for visa-exempt entry (Taiwan)

One of the cheapest ways to run away from Taiwan and come back to get another 30/90 days visa- is low-cost airline Cebu Pacific: Return flight from Taipei to Manila can cost you from around 4000NT. If you decided to fly to Manila, there is only one flight there every day – at 1.25am and only one flight back (Manila-Taipei) at 22:40pm. No other flights for these destinations from Cebu Pacific.

Manila Airport
I decided to fly there and back in one day- yes, you can do it (you can come back to Taiwan within one day). Manila is however not recommended if you’re going to issue a new visa, Hong Kong is better- more efficient I would say. If you consider price of ticket very much, don’t forget to plus 500NT as you will be charged on Manila airport for “Airport fee”, once you fly back to Taiwan. 

If you decide to stay on the airport in Manila (as I did, as it was very humid and polluted outside), bring your laptop. There are several Wi-Fi spots, claiming being for free (I didn’t check it). If you didn’t manage to change pesos before arrival to Manila, don’t need to worry as you can easily change them on the airport, even 100NT. The cheapest meal you can get on Manila airport is in 7-11 (ready-prepared hot rice, some snacks, fried stuff, etc). There is even airport chapel with masses everyday (weekdays at 11am as I remember)

Cheap bus ticket from Taiwan Taoyuan Airport (Taipei) to Tainan/ Taichung/Kaohsiung

In case you come to Taoyuan airport, entering Taiwan, in the middle of night and you try to look for the way to get home/to the destination on the south, I have one tip for you:

è Go to the arrival hall and find elevator – go to B1 (or B2- not sure now) and come to UBUS (bus)stand. Sometimes there is no personnel and taxi and other drivers would try to persuade you to give you a lift for ridiculous price. Don’t let them fool you! You can take UBUS to Tainan for 300NT (Kaohsiung 400NT)- whole journey from airport to your destination. ( Some people might not know about this particular bus, for example police woman who was trying to help me)
If you’re foreigner, try to ask locals around you about this bus- just ask who is going to Tainan/ Kaohsiung and follow them.. Usually it departs at 3am. First you need to take local bus (or transport car) from airport and then change it to distant bus on the spot driver shows you.  

Camping in Kenting

Where to camp in Kenting?
For staying in camping site you can pay from 100-500NT/night, there are many sites on the way- some visible, some a bit hidden. Some provide you tent, some not.  If you’re broke and brave enough, you can camp on the beach and pack your stuff early morning. Why brave? The stray dogs barking on our tent seemed to me as threat. J

Where not to camp?
Use your common sense. Perhaps to be too “bothering” and visible is not good idea.

Is it safe to left my stuff (tent, bags, etc.) in campsite?
As I said- use common sense.. from my experience it’s pretty safe but don’t leave your money or valuables around.

What not to forget when camping?
From my experience, light! As you can end up building a tent in dark.
